In the vein of functional programming, I've been learning Elm to visualize the progress of a Sudoku solver.
The JSON decoding tutorials are clear, and the JSON.Decode library is well-documented once you know how to read it (in general, the library documentation in Elm seems to be on the terse side).
Two things were not very clear from initial read of the docs: how to parse lists to tuples, and how to parse strings to custom types.
Leaning on SO for the below example, tuples apparently used to be supported as first-class decoders, but in the current version of Json.Decoder, index seems to be the official way to construct decoders for tuples.
arrayAsTuple2 a b c =
Decode.index 0 a
|> Decode.andThen (\ aVal -> Decode.index 1 b
|> Decode.andThen (\ bVal -> Decode.succeed (aVal, bVal)))
boardDecoder : Decoder Board
boardDecoder = Decode.list <| arrayAsTuple2
Elm 0.19 only supports up to three-value tuples (somewhat surprising coming from Haskell, though with records and custom data types, the decision to limit unnamed tuples has a certain logic...). So the helper construction isn't too bad.