Monday, November 2, 2020

12 Weeks of RC

 Summary of my 12 weeks at Recurse Center (

It was, unequivocally, a fun and intellectually rewarding experience that I'd recommend to folks interested in programming -- at pretty much any stage of life or career. It's free to attend, for the moment virtual, and available in 1, 6, and 12 week formats).

  • Organized a daily study group for functional programming (mainly Haskell)
  • Attended weekly study groups for systems programming and type theory
  • Learned about Elm and wrote some visualizations (sudokurisk)
  • Learned about networking primitives and wrote some buggy toy servers
  • Contributed to a friend's Haskell game (networked and concurrent!), soon to be internet-playable
  • Spent some time with property-based testing, test coverage, and TCR == (Test && Commit) || Revert
  • Procrastinated on writing computer-generated music (small example sonifying the Collatz sequence)
  • Started a group project to write a toy database in Haskell (with a toy SQL parser combinator and B-Trees)
  • Attended 6-12 technical and non-technical a week (most of them 5 mins); gave five 5-min talks
  • Attended a great talk on Turing's '36 paper on computation; presented on Dijkstra's '74 essay on scientific thought
  • Wrote a few thousand lines of code -- the below table is an inaccurate though representative summary (using tokei)
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 C                       8         1169          935           31          203
 C Header                1          229           64          122           43
 Elm                    12         1322         1061           43          218
 Haskell                49         5231         2232         2327          672
 Org                     3          236          155            0           81
 Python                  9          743          585           23          135
 Shell                   6           16           13            1            2
 Zig                     3           56           41            0           15
 Zsh                     1           26           20            1            5
 Jupyter Notebooks       4            0            0            0            0
 |- Markdown             4          191            0          134           57
 |- Python               4          722          623           21           78
 (Total)                            913          623          155          135
 Total                  96         9941         5729         2703         1509